This is a medium for creativity, why not take advantage of it? I must admit, once my blogging buddies started dropping off the radar, I became less and less interested in participating. But, as much as I love and appreciate my blogging buddies, I don't need to blog just because they do, and if they do blog more often, then all the better! This really should be an experiment for me, personally.
Time for a blog re-vamp. New quarter, new classes, new goals (new clothes). I solemnly swear (that I am up to no good) that I will blog once a week.
Back to basics: art. I had my first class of Spring quarter today, Image & Narriation, and check out my textbook...
Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud
This isn't a comics class, but the textbook really brings light to narritive thought and process. It is exciting to read and easy to understand. Looks like for once I will actually be reading my textbook...
So anyway, while reading, I came across a reference to Max Ernst's A Week of Kindness. Surreal, collage, and comic-y!
My favorite frame. Surreal.
Many of the pieces depict morphed half-human-bird-lion creatures, but are drawn in a careful, deliberate, and detailed way. It suggests that these creatures are indeed a part of reality, and are as real as the carefully carved and upholstered chair that they stand beside.