Saturday, August 21, 2010

Dear Blogger,

Just a quick update while I have access to a computer/am thoroughly out of my mind: I am sick. I am so sick. I have not been this sick in months. It is a summer cold. I am lucky enough to spend time at The Shark Tank (home of Bethany, Averill, Stephanie, Julia, and Rose), where they make me soup and peach cobbler. I'm feeling a lot better compared to how I felt 5 hours ago, but am still very loopy. Honestly, I feel kind of drugged up, and I'm not sure why, as I haven't taken very much medicine. Maybe it's a fever. I don't know.

Anyway, this sickness has caused me to miss most of Hempfest, which I'm kind of sad about. Yes on Prop. 19.

It also caused me to be little miss sniffles on my day trip to Orcas Island. Beautiful place, but not when the sun makes your eyes water/the mudslides make you mucusy.

I'm tired. But I slept 12 hours and napped 2 times already today. More soup, maybe? Lipton Soup Secrets perhaps?

I can't wait to get a computer. Megaaaaan make your friend come back to Seattle sooner so I can blog more. This is a sorry excuse for a post but I am too loopy to realize that fully...hmm.

Hasta la vista.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for sweet friends!!
    Oi for being sick!

    Feel better very soon.

    P.S. Yes! Yes on Prop. 19.
