Sunday, August 22, 2010

Paris: Women & Bicycles

I just came across this book of photography by Gil Garcetti called Paris: Women & Bicycles. Apparently, Garcetti has been photographing women on bicycles for a few years, and as always, it seems that the French bicycle with style

Now, he's releasing a book of his photography. Looks like a great coffee table book, for both the bicycle-obsessed and the francophile. Even the mayor of France has endorsed the book, calling it "elegant."

Interestingly enough, the book is a part of a community bicycling initiative in Southern California. I haven't seen much more about how the book is actually impacting the community, but the idea interests me.

Photo credit:

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm... interesting.

    Ever since I bought Constance (my bicycle), I've been into all vintage cycle related things.

    Thanks for the post. :D
