Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Fresh Interests

There have been a few things on my crafty little mind. Here's the breakdown of what has been preoccupying me while I ignore my classroom lectures...

Friendship bracelets made of embroidery floss. Or even hemp. Gotta start making loads so in the summer I can line my wrists with them and give them as gifts.

Macrame of all kinds. 1970s, kind of embarrassing, but seriously beautiful...

The idea of decoupage-ing my boring white bathroom clock. I was thinking, random magazine pictures to form a rainbow-y pattern (it would match my bathroom).

ALL the recipes on Bake it in a Cake. Pictured above is a Strawberry Shortcake Cupcake with Strawberry Cream Cheese Frosting. I can barely afford food but I am really considering dropping some money on the ingredients for some of these delicious treats.

What projects or interests have been on your mind lately?

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