Monday, November 8, 2010

African Red Bush

1:22 pm
I feel like talking right now but I have already changed my status on facebook and tweeted, so I have resorted to talking on here.

I am so...stagnant. Right now. I just woke up from a nap, and I'm not too tired, or too hungry, but I am not particularly energized either. Class is in 43 minutes, so I have resorted to drinking African Red Bush tea in order to help awaken and energize me. I feel like I should be hungry since I am always hungry but I'm not! I have only eaten 4 doughnuts today, why am I not hungry? This is strange. Naps are strange. Now I will focus on my tea and check back in on this blog in the middle of class...

3:58 pm
I ate: 1/2 of a sandwhich, broccoli (raw), apples, and cheese. I think it helped. Also, getting an A on my test tends to put me in a good mood.


  1. interesting. i was in a similar mood today. except i can't nap which is a bummer. maybe bring a snack for class?

  2. I'm on that strange fogged mood today.
    Sometimes resorting to espresso is all that helps (for me).

  3. lol Heaven! You sound like me. I feel "cloudy" most of the time. I don't usually feel hungry but feel compelled to feed myself regular meals so that I can be healthy :P Your lunch sounded great! I hope you are feeling better today :)
