Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Somehow, I am exhausted

I can honestly say that I've had a very easy quarter, in terms of homework and obligations, I don't have very many. This is a great way to start out the school year, especially considering that last year was nothing short of a disaster, not just in my school life but in my personal life as well. I havent had any horrible all-nighters or mental breakdowns, and have somehow seemed to wing every test and paper that I have been assigned.

Until now. I have two paintings due at 2:00, neither are done, and I am completely stuck. And exhausted. I am writing this blog to make a point: just because my major isn't science, or English, or something that involves much reading and busy work, doesn't mean that I don't have major difficulties with my assignments.

I love art. I love painting. I love drawing. But just like when one is writing a paper, and can't figure out how to convey their point, when I can't figure out how to paint an object, I become frustrated too. And it really is hard work! My friends think it makes me feel better when they tell me that they'd rather paint than work on some paper, but they don't realize that it takes the same amount of energy to produce a piece as it does to cram for a difficult test.

I don't know why this is challenging me so much, but I called it quits last night. We'll see how critique goes. Maybe coming back to it another day will give me fresh eyes. I just hope my teacher and classmates are merciful...


  1. for a girl who can't even draw a stick figure... I am fascinated by your art work. I think it takes skill and some naturally born talents, just like writing a paper well or being able to memorize the periodical table of elements.

    love your insight on it all :)

  2. Sometimes jam packed semesters turns us students into "Survival Mode Animals". Mayhaps since you have a lesser load you're holding yourself to a higher standard.

    Ted would tell me stories about when a project was due and he was running out of time, he would put on Beethoven's 5th Symphony while he pulled an all-nighter to finish. In the end, maybe not his best work but the triumphant last movement would help him feel invincible.

    I'm sure you were just in a creative pinch. It happens to be best of us (and deadlines are no help).

  3. Thanks for the encouragement! I'm definitely going to try that Beethoven's 5th Symphony tip...
