Friday, November 26, 2010

One month of Christmas music.

I am of the crowd that believes that Christmastime begins on Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. On this day, I officially begin decorating, gathering presents, writing Christmas cards, and baking. (I usually try not to drink holiday flavored coffee drinks until this time, but I succumed this year and have drank everything from an eggnog latte to the classic pumpkin spice.) One more holiday rule that I strictly follow is the Christmas music rule: nothing but Christmas music until December 26th. Nothing. Else.

I love Christmas music. There really is an amazing variety of holiday themed music out there, so I never really get tired of it. To start off this year's session, I thought I'd introduce my loyal audience to one of my favorite, and undoubtedly the most cheesy, Christmas song that I love.

Yes. All I Want for Christmas is You by Mariah Carey. No, I do not like Mariah Carey. But I love this song. And yes, for a couple years this was kind of  the secret anthem of my long-distance relationship. Even if you don't particularly like this song...try dancing and singing along to it. Perhaps with a kooky friend? After this, please feel free to laugh at the remake of this song, sung by a kareoke obsessed Korean lad:

Then, check out his amazing rendition of Touch My Body (also by Mariah Carey). Affectionately renamed Tuts My Barreh, this song is a knockout.

Anyway, this Christmas season, expect a weekly rundown of my favorite Christmas songs, via blog and twitter (@CuriousHeaven)!


  1. You must be in cahoots with my Aunt Janet and Uncle Steve who came by while Ted and I were at work to decorate our doorway in Christmas cheer. Now our apartment hallway looks like it burst with Christmas.

    Note to self: need more Christmas music (seriously).

  2. Seriously. Sufjan Stevens does some great renditions for his Christmas Albums. I also LOVE A Charlie Brown Christmas, it is beautiful jazz. I also really tend to like the albums that Starbucks releases, they have a great mix of old and new, classic and covers!

  3. Yay for Christmas music! Did I ever send you a copy of the Christmas mix that Mark and Andrew (Jim Henson) made last year? It has Sufjan Stevens and Charlie Brown Christmas on it. :)

  4. We put in our Charlie Brown cd first thing yesterday morning while we got ready for our day :)
