Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I like my mom

Funny things that my mom texts me:

"When you come home for Christmas do you still want to get our ears pierced together?"

"Who is that British woman, with the ratted out hair, and cat eyeliner, with lots of tattoos, who is on drugs all the time?" (My answer: "Amy Winehouse?")

"Hey when you come for Christmas we can check out the neat old cemetary on Red Dog!"


  1. 1. Your mom texts!? Impressive...

    2. That second text made me laugh aloud.

  2. Yes, she is quite the texter. Honestly, that is the main way that we communicate. She's so busy with my little brothers that its easier for her to fit in some texts than a phone conversation! And yeah...I have no idea why my mom needed to be reminded of Amy Winehouse.
