Monday, December 27, 2010

Twenty eleven

I know everyone thinks that New Year's Resolutions are unrealistic, and, "whack," but I really do like the opportunity to turn over a new leaf, refresh my life, and get on the right path. (Even if it only lasts for a couple months).

Last year, my resolution was to send each of my close friends and family a birthday or anniversary card on time, along with a small gift or token. I love recieving cards and letters on my birthday, or special occasion, but whenever my friends' special occasions come along, my cloudy mind seems to forget to even text message. I was doing very well with this new habit when I went through the incident that caused the rebellion, and my life was turned upside down. Now that I'm a little more stable/sane, I want to consider trying to adopt good habits again.

Here are some of my resolution ideas:

-Start cooking and eating (and buying) real food. Real food consists of actual planned meals, with protein and vegetables present, large enough to facilitate leftovers. No more top ramen, bean burrito, lame excuses for meals! If I make a pan of brownies, that does not mean I can eat them in one sitting! Ice cream and popcorn does not constitute a balanced dinner. (This is why I need your simple-ish, balanced meal recipes dear readers. Help me grow up.)

-Take vitamins and perscription medicines on time, every day! I have some perscriptions that I often forget to take for weeks on end, and I don't really notice until I begin feeling the effects of my neglect. No more! In addition to these I would like to consistently take a multi-vitamin, vitamin D, hair/skin/nails formula, and maybe a B-complex.

-Running. I live across the street from a track, why don't I use it? I know I'd have a slammin body/be generally healthier/more glow-y if I exercised even once a week.

-Same resolution as last year: be consistent with my card-sending!

I think I can do these things. They would not only benefit me personally, but others around me, and my schooling. What are your resolutions? Or your dream resolutions that you can't possibly keep, but would genuinely like to?

(My dream resolution: draw every day. I know this would benefit me immensely. But it also seems daunting and impossible to me. But I should attempt it. Time to claim a sketchbook.)

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