Sunday, September 12, 2010

Let's get down to business... clean, my houuuuse.

Today I must clean and pack up everything in my apartment, so I can move up two floors by tomorrow afternoon. I will be live blogging this not at all exciting event as the day progresses. Dang it. Whatever happened to this being an art blog? Bad Heaven.

12:23 pm / Current Song: Lovegame by Lady Gaga

I'm taking down all of my wall decorations. Photos, polaroids, frames and posters must all come down. Here are a couple of my favorite corners:

2:32 / Current Song: Whatcha Waiting For by Gwen Stefani

I love this song. Smart people know that Gwen Stefani is my default choice of music on my iPod. Anyway, after taking down all of my wall adornments (which took quite a while), and packing away some of my dishes, I decided to pack up my shoes. I decided to throw away my trusty navy Keds, which are very worn.

Bye, Keds. :-(

4:25 / Current Song: None, I turned off Pandora and turned on Jersey Shore. Don't hate.

I've been floating through states of tiredness and motivation. Lunch consisted of saltine crackers + peanut butter & jelly, and soymilk. It provided a temporary energy boost, but I have to admit, I've been checking facebook chat entirely too often.

View from my spot on the couch.

One thing I definitely accomplished is emptying out my bookshelf. I have loved occupying this bookshelf! All of my books, DVDs, and art supplies fit perfectly, plus some picture frames on top.


  1. oh Heaven, I love you! I hope this move goes quickly! I love your post about it :)

  2. I love that first picture of you! :)

  3. That first photo of your is classic!

    Ek! I hate moving. I hope it went smoothly.

    P.S. "I'm crushing your head" :D It made me smile.
