Monday, March 22, 2010

away with thee!

School! I banish thee to the nether-regions of Seattle. To the gutters of 3rd and Pine, or better yet, 3rd and Virginia. But still you follow me home. Registration difficulties, emails from teachers, grades! Stop it!

Is it horrible that I seriously do. not. care. about grades this quarter? Yes, it is. But, one thing that the difficulties of this quarter has taught me is that when it comes to choosing a better grade versus personal wellness, I choose personal wellness. 9 times out of 10. (ignoring the whole staying up until 5:30 am thing, that was a fluke). But honestly, I am just the type that sees more value in drinking a cup of calm tea before bed than spending those 10 minutes erasing pencil marks. And this quarter has been nothing short of hellish, I really don't expect very good grades at all. So why stress over it? What's done is done, and considering my state of mine, I've fared quite well, thank you very much.

That said, I really do hope to get a good schedule going for Spring quarter. And I hope to come back with a vengance. Take that, art department. Boo yeah.

In other news, I LOVE TARGET. I have gone to two different Target stores in the past two days, and it has been heavenly. The Targets in Seattle, I swear, are SUCKY. And far away. (1 hour by bus, no thanks). This is hard on a girl who relied on Target as her "go to store." I could get anything there. Greeting cards? Target. Cheap, adorable clothes? Target, please. Toiletries and the occasional magazine? Lets go to Target!

So far, I've purchased black tights, a flowery skirt, some glittering nail polish, and a makeup brush.


  1. C grades get Degrees, darling! Tea before bed is better than hw. I am right there with you on all of this!
    Enjoy your break, you really deserve it!

  2. Hannah! True, true, C's get degrees! I should get that tattooed on myself...Glad we're on the same page.

    Let's have a picnic!
