Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Today was what I call a day to "take care of business." (Side note: I hate that song) It was a day to check off my to-do list, and not be lazy in-between check's.

I have junk to take care of in California, that I can't do while I'm in Washington, and I got a ton done today. And, it was probably the worst type of  junk anyone can imagine spending their day doing: renewing my license at the DMV, and paying a fine at the courthouse. The courthouse was easy, but the DMV was more challenging. 

Whoever here dislikes the DMV, raise your hand. Everyone? I thought so.

I had to wait for two hours to get any progress, which sounds horrible, but in the meantime, my grandparents picked me up and took me out to lunch! I came back and waited only about 1/2 an hour until my number was called. Not too shabby. When I was done at the DMV, I met up with my friend Megan and had a lovely conversation with her. Then I came home, dyed Easter eggs, and watched part of Toy Story with my little brother (he's 1 year, 10 months old). Then, me and my step-sister participated in some Tim Tam Slams...

It was just a pleasant day.

I really want to post pictures that I've taken while I'm here, but my uploading capabilities at home are limited. Check back Thursday.

P.S. from C.S. Lewis:

"What does not satisfy when we find it, was not the thing we were desiring." 


  1. I hate hate hate hate HATE the DMV and I had to go there 4 times last year.
    1. Renew the registration on our car.
    2. Renew my driver's license because I turned 21.
    3. Didn't want to wait in line so I left.
    4. Waited in line to change my last name.

    It was terrible.

  2. That's downright disgusting. Then the fact that nearly everyone employed by the DMV is MEAN! Why is that? Hopefully you will avoid going there for quite a while...
