Friday, March 5, 2010


Now that I have Tiffany the Great's mini computer, I have been finally catching up on my friends vlogs.

Honestly, when I noticed that my friends were starting to post blogs, I was skeptical. "Those are going to be awkward to watch," I thought. I felt like watching my friends chat into a camera would be as awkward as video chatting, or video skype (something I have not done and am very wary of).

But, after watching Vanessa's first vlog, I realized that it was not awkward at all. In fact, I really enjoyed watching it! Seeing my friend and hearing her voice was really comforting, and fun.

That was a few weeks ago, and today I spent my morning consuming large amounts of chocolate and catching up on both Vanessa and Shelly's vlogs. It was fun, and still allowed me to interact with people, but remain in my pajamas.

I am now excited to have a more YouTube involved life. No longer will I be the last person to see Pants on the Ground, or David Hasselhoff's European music videos!

So anyway, in related news, I attended the kspu Covers Convert with Elyse. It...was...amazing. We have so many musically talented people at SPU, and they did some great covers (Hall and Oates' "You Make my Dreams Come True," Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance," not to mention "Supernova Girl" from Zenon, Girl from the 21st Century.) When I get some pictures and links to the recordings I'll post more about it.

Amazing rendition of "Eye to Eye" from A Goofy Movie performed by Gabe Martinez at the 2010 talent show...seriously impressive. Photo credit to Perry Azevedo.

Anyway, Elyse mentioned that the videos (all 5 of them) from the SPU talent show is on YouTube! Uh...COOL. SPU's talent show happened about a month ago, and it was "off the chain." Again, we have so many talented people at my school! STUB, this student events group on campus created a video that played between the talent show's acts, and it was hillarious. I don't know if it was one of those "you have to be there/have to go to school there" types of humor, but it really cracked me up!

Here's a link to the videos, in case you'd like to take a looksie: SPU Talent Show 2010


  1. I am SO SO glad that you are going to be on the computer/internet world with us more often! Like seriously. I miss you. And I think that Shelly's vlogs are always so cute, clever, and funny! Also, how did you get those words on the end of your blog to be a link? I've always been wondering how to do cool things like that...

  2. Its super easy! When you post to blogger, just click "link" above where you would type out your entry! :-)

  3. Heaven!
    I'm so happy that you now have a computer! Welcome back the the internet world!

    Ah! Yes. Links. That took me FOREVER To figure out. You have to highlight the word or words you want as "the link" or in blue (on your blog post). Then click the globe looking button or the button just right of the "text color" or "T" button. I think it's suppose to look like a link. From there you put in the web address to your desired destination. SHAZAM! A link!

  4. ugh ok the internet must seriously hate me, because I have tried using the "link" thing so many times and then when I post my blog there is just an empty line where the link should be... lame
