Thursday, March 18, 2010

Ibuprofen, please.

On Sunday I worked an 8 hour shift at work, got off late, missed my bus, and missed a study group. I decided to go to the art center and gesso my last wood panel, since my 5 pigeon paintings were due the next day. I gessoed away, with much of it ending up on my peacoat :(. Then, I came back to my apartment, and began to finish 5 paintings. My only break was when Joshua drove me to The Grinder for a latte (dark chocolate raspberry, mmm).
I ended up staying awake until 5:30 am. If you know me, you know that this is virtually impossible for me to do. I cannot stay up late. I typically start to get sick and achy around 1 am. I have no idea where my energy and stamina came from, but I think it was a combination of constant Lady Gaga music, the latte, and an act of God.

My paintings did get finished, I got 4 hours of sleep after that, and my final went very well. I got some good feedback and lots of nods of approval! Soon I will post a picture of the set. The whole class did excellently, and it helped that Gala brought us all coffees and pastries from Tully's. I set off for my day feeling accomplished, slightly loopy, and feeling like a true college student.
Then, as I rode the bus to work (another 8 hour shift that got cut into 4, thanks to someone willing to cover for me), I began to feel sick. Soon, I had a migrane pounding my head, I felt like simultaneously throwing up and crying for the rest of the day. I finally got off work and headed home so I could take a 1 or 2 hour nap before studying for my other 3 finals. But, as much as I wanted to, I couldn't sleep. How frustrating is that? I tried all sorts of relaxation techniques, but no go. I crawled over to Bethany's apartment and pleaded that she would play mom to me, and make me soup. That angel happily obliged and with two bowls of soup, bread, tea, and water in my stomach, I went to bed at 11:00. So, it is confirmed. Heaven cannot do all nighters. That day was awful.

So, as you can imagine, I got absolutely no studying finished on Tuesday. Absolutely none. I went into all three of my finals utterly unprepared, and still feeling the aftermath of yesterday's sickness. I think that my art history final went okay, which is amazing, seeing that I am not the hugest fan of that class. My perspective final is incomplete, and I hope to finish it today. And, my history class final was basically a bust.
But, I'm done. And alive.


  1. Art History! I have to say, that class inspired me. I now love art WAY more. I hate finals week. And any tests for that matter! Ugh Ugh Ugh. I really hope you are feeling better now! You are on break!!! I get migraines. I hate them. Its awful when your head is pounding with pain, and you feel nauseous at the same time. Just plain wrong. I'm sorry.

  2. Oh, I love love LOVE art history. I just...didn't like how it was taught. It was very frustrating on a daily basis, especially since I took a very similar art class at Sierra College (it transferred as a humanities class, not as art history) and I knew most of the stuff we covered. So, knowing all that, and having it taught differently was annoying :-P

  3. Poor Heaven! I definitely know how you feel. I also need a good amount of sleep to function in a cheery disposition otherwise it's sick/grumpy/nauseous/zoned-out Shelly for the next 2 days.
    You have a very sweet friend to play "mom" for you. Ted does that for me sometimes too. I appreciate it.

    By the way, I'm really excited/curios to see your pigeon project!

  4. I know, Bethany is a dear. So motherly.

    And, yeah! When I get back to Seattle I'll post a picture of them!
