Saturday, April 17, 2010

les lists

I've noticed that several of the blogs that I follow have been posting about lists. I love lists. I often make them, so I stay on track of tasks throughout the day. (I either make lists on notebook paper, in my planner, or on Google Tasks). It is very rare that I follow the list exactly however, but I at least try to start off with one, and see where my day goes.

I even wanted to get a list based planner for 2010, called Listography. (You might have seen their other books at Urban Outfitters. They are fantastic.) It describes "Your Life in Lists" and has great illustrations to go along with the personalized lists. 

Sample page from their website. This one asks you to list places that you've lived! :) I want to get one of their journals, it would be fun to fill out!

Anyway, at Meticulous Markings, Alexandra lists things that are the "bane of her existence." I can definitely relate to numbers 1, 2, 9, and 12. I kind of want to make my own "bane of my existence" list, maybe I will in a future post.

At Shellyisms, Shelly references a list of the best things in life, all of which I can agree on! (Especially the point about long hot showers, which are few and far between with my water heater).

Color Me Katie talks about 12 things that make her smile, and couples them with charming pictures! That girl is so creative.

Vanessa links to her YouTube vlog, where she lists all of the things that made her Monday a good day!

And finally, Madame Lamb sort of references a list, (this is kind of a stretch because actually it is more like a chart) of the evolution of modern art! It turns out to be very interesting and helpful.

Happy listing!


  1. ok so I have been meaning to send you the link to this one fashion blog that I really enjoy! And one of the last posts had some really yummy pink shoes on it! Here is the link...

    So you should check it out when you get a chance. I make lists all the time! I am such a list person!

  2. Your post was really interesting. I would have never tied lists together as a blog theme, although I must admit that lists tend to make great blog posts. I use them often in my blog, however I'm not a "list person" in real-life. Weird.
    The listography planner looks really neat! You should definitely add it to your "wish list".
