Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Rebellion: finga' tats.

So, I've found a few more finger tattoos that are nice. This is good, because for a while I kept seeing really ugly finger tattoos (on places like MTV's True Life: I Hate My Face. Think Rihanna's "love" tattoo but smeary looking). I was doubting whether I wanted one or not, but these ones redeemed the idea.
I like the font of this one. Not too complex, simple, linear. I think in this photo it looks a tad bit smeary just because it was recently inked.

I love this one. Tiana, this is for you! (Get this tattoo!) The thing is, I saw a "smile" tattoo on the website a few weeks ago that looked better than this one was. The font was simpler and more crisp. But, this tattoo is still very charming.

Oh, a band-aid. Gross. But looking past that, this tattoo is kind of getting closer to my "ideal." I want something semi-significant, (at least) semi-religious, but simple and sweet. Being reminded of one's blessings in life is always a good thing! Finally, in completely un-related finger tattoo news:


1 comment:

  1. Ok, so I'm really laughing a little because I found your blog completely by accident while googling images of tattoos. I actually know Tiana from way back, so when I saw her name in connection with photography, I was like, "nooo.... omg yes!" So I just had to mention that, and then thought you might like to know about the finger tattoo I'm planning to get, which led me here in tne first place. It will be a simple PWC, which stands for "pray without ceasing" :) I want to have it along the side of my thumb, between the joints, because that's where I used to write it in pen as a reminder. Anyhow, cool blog! XD
