Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Can I get a "what what"?: Part II.

Like I said in an earlier post, lately I've been having happy bonuses and surprise gifts being given to me. Here's the documentation of a few more (I'll blog about even more fun things another day):

The day after I got back from my visit to California, I went to work an 8 hour shift at my job. I saw my boss and was pleased to learn that at the staff meeting I was voted as the "sales leader." This made me really happy, but what made me happier was that he presented me with an Easter basket full of chocolates!

This is a chocolate bunny that was included in the basket. The bunny's name is Sunshine, which makes me kind of sad...I don't want to eat a rabbit that has a name. It still has not been eaten.

Okay...This is one chocolate that made me laugh so much that I had to take a picture. This sheep be pretty gangsta, with his golden 5 cent chain and his finger counting/gang sign throwing.

But definitely the best part of the Easter Basket was the Spud Bunny Mr. Potato head that they gave me! He currently resides on my dresser.

Another day, Annie and I went to Wink cupcakes during their cupcake happy hour (which is 3-5, every Wednesday). I have never been there before, and knew that some sort of discount applied during happy hour, but didn't realize that the discount meant buy one get one free! Hurray!

Vanilla, Red Velvet, Hazelnut, and Peanut Butter Chocolate.


  1. Vanessa and I were just talking about your adorable obsession with gang signs. That is purely a Heaven-thing.

    By the way, those cupcakes look positively impeccable. Jealous.

  2. Haha! Yeah! I just randomly pick up so many different gang signs. It must be the sign language in me that makes them so interesting!

    The cupcakes were delish, although not the BEST. The BEST (in my opinion) are Sprinkles cupcakes, which I will probably blog about someday. But these ones were very tasty!
